Alumni Endorsements

Class of 2023 Alumni Endorsements

“The Professional Writing major went beyond my education and social life; it allowed me to really grow and think about my faith deeply. It helped me learn to trust God and realize what it means to be ‘living in the world, but not of the world,’ and friends and professors helped strengthen that a lot.”  –Lilia Snyder, ‘23 

Class of 2022 Alumni Endorsements

“I found a culture and community here at Taylor that helped me learn and helped me thrive. From my friends in the Professional Writing major to my teachers who answered my questions, I found people who were willing to take the time and help me be better than who I was the day before. I grew not only in my writing and in my knowledge, but also in God. God placed professors in my path who took my faith from brittle and fragile to a faith that cannot be easily broken.” –Grant Patterson, ’22 

“Through my three years in the department, I have discovered a love for all levels of the editing process—I love taking people’s stories to the next level. This has largely happened through participation in a writing critique group to which my peers and I submit our writing for revision. Their stories are already so well developed, and their prose is excellent, that it is a real honor to help them go from good to great.” Kipp Miller ‘22

“I started my freshman year a nervous, insecure writer who would practically shake anytime she had to share her work with someone. Now, I’m graduating as a confident woman who isn’t afraid to put herself out there and who has recently signed on to a full-time writing position at a job she’s very passionate about. I wouldn’t trade the last four years for the world.” Tarah Zumbrun ‘22 

“It took a lot of thinking to discover my love for storytelling. Looking back, it should probably have been obvious. I was always the kid who tried to add more narrative and backstory to games of make-believe. Through the Professional Writing program, I discovered not only a community filled with people who share my passion for storytelling, but also a career path that allowed me to live that passion in my daily life. At the end of the day, I found two things here. I found a community of people that share my love of storytelling and a calling to go help people share their stories with the world. These are two things that I never plan to give up.”  Zach Brown ‘22

Class of 2021 Aumni Endorsements

“After my four years, I feel knowledgeable about the publishing industry, publishing process, and how to write for multiple different outlets. I have a full novel manuscript and published pieces of work that I’m proud of. I also have a group of writing friends that meet every week over Zoom to critique each other’s writing. I am not quite sure what specific position I want to have in my field, but I feel prepared to fill any position that I choose.  Aleigha Hummel (Henn) ’21

“I am so thankful for how the program explores being a writer who loves Jesus. Before Taylor, I never quite knew how my faith fit with this passion. Through many rewarding discussions, I have a clear understanding of how to use my creativity as a gift to glorify Him.” Kamryn Lockwood (Koble) ’21 

Class of 2020 Alumni Endorsements

“The Professional Writing major was perfect for me. I learned how to funnel my passion for writing and creative ideas into practical and publishable prose. Now I have a full resume and a foot in the door of the publishing industry.” Tim Pietz ’20

“Taylor University taught me that I’m here to shout God’s name and glory to the highest mountains. Here to be a voice to those who need someone to stand up for them. Here to listen when someone needs a listening ear. Professional Writing taught me I can do that through writing. Words hold meaning, they hold power, they can bring encouragement, discouragement. Words can change hearts. I have learned that I’m meant to use those words.” Cheri Stutzman ’20

“I want to be an editor! I want to help people with a story to tell figure out what to say and say it well. The idea of bringing something that much closer to perfection by rewording awkward phrases and fixing misplaced commas is incredibly exciting to me. I’m tired of seeing things that are almost good. There are so many creative people out there trying to tell the stories they care about. Whether they’re in need of just one more polish to make their manuscript publication-ready or are an entire rewrite away from even considering showing their work to others, I want to be there to help them achieve their dreams.”  Emily Pawlowski ’20

“As I complete the Professional Writing program, I’m excited to see what comes next. As I look back on all that I’ve learned in only few short years, I realize how prepared I am to join the ‘real world,’ even if it is intimidating to venture out for the first time. I’m no longer ashamed of who I am and what I love, and I’ve gained a confidence that goes deeper than my fear.” Paige McNinch ’20

Class of 2019 Alumni Endorsements

“Looking back on my time in the PWR major, and in classes at Taylor in general, I find that I’ve been molded in two seemingly paradoxical ways. In one sense, I’ve had my career goals and knowledge directed and honed down to a point. What I want to do with my life has changed somewhat since freshman year, but I’ve grown more certain of myself. I’ve been equipped to enter the workforce with the variety of skills I need to do that career—including skills I never would have expected to be proficient in, such as journalistic writing, copyediting, and layout and design. I’ve also had the opportunity to form meaningful connections with instructors, professionals, and the other wonderful students in the major.” –Josh Henreckson, 2019 

“The professional writing major at Taylor taught me to have a thick skin, persevere through all trials, and enact all plans and goals I set out for myself. Through this program I have learned to polish my craft, develop a keen eye for design, and find ways to create a platform for the voiceless through excellent editing, a development of divergent skills, and a willingness to tackle tough topics. I am forever indebted to Taylor University from its content and character.” Hope Bolinger ’19

“I feel I have a good sense of how the ‘real world’ works outside of college because of the experienced professionals the program brings in to speak and converse with. The Professional Writing program doesn’t joke around. When you come here, you come here to work and become a published writer.” Chrysa Keenon ’19

“Professor Taylor and the Professional Writing major have really prepared me for what the publishing world wants from me. I have been put in several situations in my four semesters that have challenged me and forced me to grow into a publishable writer and a thorough editor, and I can’t wait to see what the future throws my way.” Gabby Carlson ’19

Class of 2017 Alumni Endorsements

“Three main things I learned in my Professional Writing major at Taylor: (1) Words matter. What you say will have an impact on people. Use the same wisdom you would use when driving a car as you would with what you put out there in publishing. (2) Get to know people. Every contact helps. The more people you know, the more people you get to meet through them, and the more opportunities you have for potential job opportunities. (3) Learn to take criticism. You only become a stronger writer when you work through your faults. Sometimes, we need others to point those faults out.” Brian Branscum ’17

“The Professional Writing program gave me practical skills, contacts, and experience all while taking classes that counted toward my degree. I thrived living in Taylor’s community, diving into relationships with friends who challenged my spiritual and personal habits and molded me into a well-rounded person. There are so many experiences I would never have been able to have anywhere else, and the memories I take from these four years are ones I will cherish for a lifetime”. Jeff Grogan ’17

“My daughter Taylor’s confidence in her writing and editing abilities grew along with her confidence in speaking with people and expressing herself. Taylor accepted the compliments along with the constructive criticism she was given on her work and used it to her advantage. Taylor University is a place where your child will not get lost in the crowd.” –Tina Puitz, parent of Taylor Frecker (Puitz) ‘17

“When I was a sophomore, a graduating Professional Writing student encouraged me to remember the words of Pablo Picasso, ‘I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.’ This was her advice to me about taking on internships. I took it to heart and contacted everyone I could. . . internships have taught me that life after and during college is all about setting out to learn something you don’t know and excelling in it.” Jessie Stover ’17

Pre-Class of 2017 Alumni Endorsements

“Explore all the options available to you. When I was a freshman in high school, I was sure I wanted to be a novelist and use that as my main source of income. As I went through college and all the classes required, I realized that editing is something I’m just as passionate about. While writing is still a part of who I am, I wouldn’t have discovered editing without looking at every path laid out before me.” –Caroline Cilento ‘15, Guideposts 

“I knew my Professional Writing major was the right choice right away because it didn’t just focus on one type of writing. I learned the academic style of writing, journalism, online writing, fiction and nonfiction, children’s writing, devotional writing, writing for business and much more. I am extremely grateful for my education at Taylor and for the professors that invested in my dream to work in a publishing house.” Katie Long ’14

“Remember that four years go by quickly. In light of that, be intentional, connect with people, challenge yourself spiritually, and make tons of fun memories. But also network, work hard to hone your skills and passions, and make a career plan. Your freshman year isn’t too early to start thinking—realistically—about how you’re going to sustain yourself financially after Taylor.”  Drew Neuenschwander ’13

“Because of the variety of classes I’d taken in the Professional Writing major—everything from Web Writing to Layout and Design—I had the skills I needed to apply for the fiction publicist position at Bethany House. Professor Taylor, and the guest lecturers she invited to teach (representing many different roles and genres) made sure we were familiar with the publishing process from idea to manuscript to proposal to editing to marketing. I use that knowledge every day, whether it’s writing our fiction blog, working with authors to brainstorm marketing ideas, or creating press releases.” Amy Green ’13

“The professors at Taylor are not just experts in their field who are willing to pass on their knowledge and help you build your experience. They are also personally invested in every single one of their students. I received an excellent education, but I also formed lasting relationships with people in the program. It gave me the best kind of foundation I could ask for in life.” Rebekah Tussing ’11